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If you're late completing a review

If you have not returned your review pack after 28 days, Social Security Scotland will send you a reminder. If you have still not returned your review pack after 56 days, they'll send you another reminder. These will be sent by letter.


If you do not respond to the reminders, your Pension Age Disability Payment could be suspended. This means your payments will stop until you get back in contact with Social Security Scotland.

If you are able to, return your review pack within 28 days of your payments being suspended. Your payments will be backdated to the date your payments were suspended.

If Social Security Scotland cannot contact you, they may have to end your Pension Age Disability Payment. This means your payments could stop completely.

What to do if your payments are suspended

If there's a reason you cannot complete the review form, contact Social Security Scotland to let them know.

If suspending your Pension Age Disability Payment will cause you financial hardship, contact Social Security Scotland. They will not suspend your payments if you get in touch to let them know.

If you contact them, they can end the suspension and backdate your payments.

If you ask them to look again at the suspension of your payments, they will have 31 days to look again at the decision to suspend.

Contact Social Security Scotland about a suspension

Contact Social Security Scotland free on 0800 182 2222 to:

  • discuss a suspension
  • let them know a suspension will cause financial hardship
  • get help to complete a review form

Find out what to do if you need help contacting Social Security Scotland, or are calling from abroad.

Social Security Scotland can also help you if you need assistance to:

  • complete the review form
  • gather any information you need to complete your review

You can complete your review online at any time, even if your payments are suspended.

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