Public transport, bus passes and discounts
Find information about local travel by road, rail and water and National Entitlement Cards.
Air Discount Scheme for Highlands and Islands residents
Get 50% off air travel on certain routes if you live in the Highlands and Islands.
Apply for or renew a disabled person's bus pass
How to apply for a disabled person's bus pass, and special conditions for use on trams, trains and ferries.
Apply for or replace an older person's bus pass
How to apply for or replace an older person's bus pass, and special conditions for use on trams, trains and ferries.
CalMac ferry timetables and service status
Check timetables and service status updates for Caledonian MacBrayne ferries.
Complain about a bus service
Information on what to do if you're unhappy with a bus service in Scotland.
Ferry concessions for National Entitlement Card holders
How to claim free return ferry journeys to the mainland if you live on certain Scottish islands.
Get a wheelchair from the ShopMobility scheme
Find out how to borrow a manual or powered wheelchair or a powered scooter through the ShopMobility scheme.
Transport help for older or disabled people
Travel help if you're over 60 or have a disability, including the National Entitlement Card (bus pass).
Young Scot card
Apply for a Young Scot National Entitlement Card if you're 11 to 25 and living in Scotland.
Apply for or replace an under 22s bus pass
How to apply for or replace an under 22s bus pass, which allows young people to travel for free on the bus in Scotland.
Discounted train travel
You could get discounted train travel with a railcard. Find out about different types of railcard and how to apply.
Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card
If you are unemployed and get Jobseekers Allowance or Universal Credit, you may be able to apply for a free Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount card, which gives you 50% off some rail and bus travel.
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