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Stalking: support

Stalking is illegal and can include being followed or constantly contacted by another person, like being sent unwanted emails or gifts. Both men and women can be victims of stalking.

Someone can be prosecuted if there are at least 2 instances of stalking behaviour which causes fear or alarm.

Contact the police if you're being stalked. You have a right to feel safe. You can also report stalking to the police online.

If you'd prefer not to involve the police you can apply to court for civil orders – like a non-harassment order – if there's been at least 2 instances of harassment.


If you're a victim of stalking, this can cause great anxiety and distress. There are a number of organisations you can contact for practical advice and support.

National Stalking Helpline
Phone: 0808 802 0300
This is a confidential service if you're impacted by stalking. They'll provide impartial advice and information to men and women, including:

  • how to identify if you're being stalked
  • the law on stalking
  • how to protect yourself
  • talking to the police

Action Against Stalking
Champions the rights of stalking victims. For support and advice, email

Victim Support Scotland
Phone: 0800 160 1985
Gives free and confidential support to men and women, and practical help for victims and witnesses of crime.

Scottish Women's Aid
Phone: 0131 226 6606
Gives advice, support and safe accommodation for women (and their children) who have been abused by their partner or ex-partner. They can recommend local groups.

Rape Crisis Scotland
Phone: National Helpline on 08088 01 03 02 (6pm to midnight, 7 days a week)
Provides a rape crisis helpline and email support for anyone affected by sexual violence. They can also put you in touch with local rape crisis centres or other services for ongoing support.

Scottish Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline
Phone: 0800 027 1234
Provides confidential information and support to anyone affected by domestic abuse.

Scottish Women's Rights Centre
Helpline for across Scotland: 08088 010 789 (Monday 2pm to 5 pm, Tuesday 6pm to 8pm, Wednesday 11am to 2pm, Friday 10am to 1pm)
Free legal help for women affected by violence, such as domestic abuse, rape, stalking, forced marriage and human trafficking. Phone the helpline or book an appointment for one of the surgeries in Dundee, Edinburgh, Forth Valley, Glasgow, Inverness, Lanarkshire.

Find out about call charges.

Extra support at court

If you're asked to give evidence at court, you'll be entitled to use special measures like:

  • giving evidence via a live TV link
  • screens to stop you having to see someone else involved with the case
  • a supporter staying with you while you give evidence

Your rights

As a victim of crime, you have rights. The Victims' Code for Scotland sets out these rights and who to contact for help and advice.

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