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After you apply

When you apply for Time to Pay the court sends the creditor a copy of your application form. The creditor will consider your payment offer. 

If the creditor agrees

You'll get a letter telling you when you need to make the instalments or pay the full amount.

The letter may come from the court or the creditor's solicitor. 

If the creditor refuses

The creditor can refuse your payment offer. If they do, the court will decide what to do next.

Making a decision

The law says the court should agree to Time to Pay if it’s ‘reasonable in the circumstances’.

The court will consider different things such as:

  • your financial situation 
  • any other debts you have
  • how reasonable your payment offer is
  • if it would be reasonable for the creditor not to accept your offer

Getting a decision

The court will write to you with their decision.

If your application is refused  

If your application is refused but your circumstances change you can reapply for Time to Pay.  

You cannot get a second Time to Pay if you’ve had a previous agreement and have fallen behind on the payments ordered by the court. 

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