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Report a crime

Report an emergency


Call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger, or if the crime is in progress.

If you're deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or have a speech-impairment, a text phone is available on 18000.

If you've registered with emergencySMS – and you have no other option – you can send a text message to 999.

When to call 999

In an emergency, call 999 if:

  • there's a risk of personal injury or loss of life
  • a crime is happening now
  • someone suspected of a crime is nearby

Report a non-emergency

Call 101 to contact the police if the crime is not an emergency.

If you're deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or have a speech-impairment, a text phone is available on 18001 101.

Examples of crimes that do not need an emergency response include:

  • your car has been stolen
  • your property has been damaged
  • you suspect drug use or dealing
  • you want to report a minor traffic collision
  • you want to give the police information about crime in your area

Report a crime online

In a non-emergency, you can report the following crimes on the Police Scotland website:

You can also fill out the Crimestoppers online form if you want to report a crime anonymously.

Report a crime anonymously

Contact Crimestoppers to report a crime anonymously. They'll pass the information about the crime to the police.

Telephone: 0800 555 111
Find out about call charges
Online: fill in the Crimestoppers online form

You can report hate crime through a third party reporting centre – like a housing association or victim support office. Trained staff can help you submit a report to the police (if that's what you want), or they can do it on your behalf.

Report a crime at a police station

In a non-emergency, you can report a crime at a police station.

Find your local police station on the Police Scotland website.

The opening hours of police stations are liable to change. You can call 101 before visiting to make sure a member of staff will be there to help you.

If you're a visitor to Scotland, it might also be worth contacting your embassy or consulate website to see if they can give you help and advice.

Getting support after reporting a crime

If you give permission when you report a crime, your details may be passed on to Victim Support Scotland.

Victim Support Scotland gives free and confidential support to victims, witnesses and others affected by crime, including:

  • emotional support
  • practical help, like help filling in forms for insurance and compensation and assisting with home and personal security
  • liaison with other organisations on behalf of victims and witnesses

Victim Support Scotland
Telephone: 0800 160 1985
Find out about call charges

There are also people and organisations that can help you if you need specialist support for crimes like domestic abuse, stalking and rape and sexual assault.

Your rights as a victim or witness

As a victim or witness of crime, you're entitled to receive a certain level of information and support from the organisations you come in to contact with in the criminal justice system.

In particular, you're entitled to certain information about what's happening with your case, and you should be able to access appropriate support during and after the investigation and proceedings.

The Victims' Code for Scotland sets out your rights and who to contact for help and advice.


You might be eligible to apply to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).

This government fund:

  • is available to blameless victims of violent crime who can't get compensation elsewhere
  • can take a long time for a claim to be investigated and compensation paid
  • isn't for emergencies

You'll also need to report the crime if you want to make an insurance claim.

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