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Complain about the police
You can complain about:
- the quality of service you've received from Police Scotland
- the way a police officer or member of Police Scotland staff has acted
Help with your complaint
Other organisations that provide advice and guidance on complaints about the police include:
- Citizens Advice Scotland
- Scottish Refugee Council (SRC)
- Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC)
- Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS)
If you're unhappy about how your complaint has been handled
Contact the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) if you're not satisfied with the way your complaint has been dealt with.
The PIRC is independent of the police.
You must send your application to the PIRC within 3 months of the police sending you their findings about your complaint.
If your application isn't received within 3 months of that date, the PIRC may be unable to accept your case (unless there are exceptional circumstances that you can detail in your application to them).
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