Your rights and the law
Includes being arrested, police warnings, discrimination and consumer rights.
Consumer rights and complaints
Consumer protection and rights for goods and services – includes staying safe online and refunds.
Police and prosecutions
Your rights if you're arrested or charged with a crime, stop and search, police and procurator fiscal warnings, fines and complaints.
Complain about the press or media
How to make a complaint about an article in the press, or a TV or radio programme.
Data sharing of personal information
Why organisations may sometimes need to share your personal information.
Drinking alcohol in public places
Your local council has its own set of rules (byelaws) on where you can and cannot drink in public places.
Get information from a Scottish public authority (FOI request)
How to send a Freedom of Information request to get information from public authorities.
Gypsy Travellers
Advice for Gypsy Travellers on access to services, eviction rights and discrimination.
How to report a possible abuse of your human rights
If you feel your human rights have been abused, there are many ways you can report it.
License a firearm
Find out how to license a firearm.
License an air weapon
Anyone who owns or uses an airgun needs to have a licence.
Sheriff officer powers and your rights
Check what sheriff officers powers are and you rights.
What are my human rights?
Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world simply because they are human.
Privacy notice for museum firearms licences and rifle or muzzle-loading pistol club approvals
This notice lets you know how the Scottish Government will handle any personal information relating to your firearms authorisation for museum firearms licences and rifle or muzzle-loading pistol club approvals.
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