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What you need to know

What happens in a review

Social Security Scotland will regularly review the information they have, and any new information you provide. This is to make sure that the child or young person continues to get the right rate of Child Disability Payment for their needs.

A review is a chance to discuss any changes that have happened since you applied on behalf of the child, or since the child's last review. Social Security Scotland will ask you about any changes to the child’s:

  • care needs
  • conditions
  • mobility needs

Social Security Scotland may ask you to provide more information about the child's circumstances during a review. If you're unsure about what information to give them, or do not know where to find it, they can get in touch with you to help.

When the review is complete, Social Security Scotland will make a new decision called a determination. They'll write to let you know the outcome of the review. 

How often reviews take place

How often Social Security Scotland review the child's award will depend on: 

  • the child’s conditions
  • if changes to their level of need are expected

When Social Security Scotland write to tell you the outcome of an application for Child Disability Payment, they'll give you the child’s first review date.

At the end of each review, they'll let you know in advance when the next one will take place. This is so you can prepare, and get help and support if you need it. 

How long a review takes

The length of time it takes to complete a review depends on the child's circumstances. 

If you have no changes to tell Social Security Scotland about, the child may get a decision sooner.

If you have multiple changes to tell Social Security Scotland about, the decision may take longer.

As part of a review, Social Security Scotland may ask you to provide some supporting information. 

After Social Security Scotland send out your review pack, you have 28 days to complete and return the form. Social Security Scotland will write to let you know the outcome as soon as possible. 

If Child Disability Payment is for you, and not a child

If you're aged 16 or 17, you may continue to receive Child Disability Payment until you turn 18. Your award will not need to be reviewed during this time.

Social Security Scotland will send you a letter before you turn 18 to tell you about the next steps.

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