Employing people
Your legal obligations when you employ people, including information on recruitment, leave, contracts, dismissals and redundancies.
Apply to offer SQA qualifications at your organisation
Information on getting approval to award SQA qualifications.
Children's Panel volunteers: employers
Information for employers of Children’s Panel volunteers, includes time off they might need from work.
Create an SQA qualification for your organisation
Information on creating a customised award that's owned and developed by your organisation.
Disclosure and criminal record checks
Information for individuals and organisations on applying for a criminal record check. Includes types of disclosure, when you need them, and how to apply to Disclosure Scotland.
Dismissing staff and redundancies
Find out about resignations, dismissals, disciplinaries and redundancy pay.
Employment contracts and working hours
Our employment contracts and working hours content will help you determine your legal obligations to employees.
Equality and diversity in your workforce
Find information on maintaining equality and diversity in the workplace.
Templates for employers
Find templates your business can use to help you recruit and employ new staff members.
Get help to employ staff
Get help from Talent Scotland to recruit new staff.
Employee pay
Information on your obligations when paying employees, including National Minimum Wage and sick pay.
Employee training
Information on the options and schemes available for training your employees.
Health and safety at work
Information on employers' legal responsibility to provide safe and healthy conditions for employees and customers.
Minimum wage for agricultural workers
Find out the current minimum wages, holiday and sick pay for agricultural workers.
Recruiting and hiring
Information on employing staff and checking suitability.
Register your organisation with Disclosure Scotland
How to register your organisation with Disclosure Scotland to check PVG Scheme, Standard and Enhanced disclosure information.
Staff pensions
Find out what you need to do to enrol your staff in a pension scheme.
Statutory leave and time off
Information on staff time off - holidays, maternity, paternity, parental leave, sick pay, career breaks, public duties e.g. jury service, justice of the peace.
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