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Apply to Rent Service Scotland about your rent increase

You should only use this form if you have a 'private residential tenancy'.

You're likely to have a private residential tenancy if you started renting from a private landlord on or after 1 December 2017. If your tenancy agreement started before 1 December 2017 you don't have a private residential tenancy.

A private landlord is a person or business who rents a home to you. You shouldn't use this notice if you rent from a local council or housing association.

You think your rent increase is too high

You can apply to Rent Service Scotland (RSS) if you want a Rent Officer to decide what your rent should be.

You can use this form to apply to Rent Service Scotland (RSS) if:

  • your Landlord has given you a Rent Increase Notice
  • you think the increase to your rent is too high - if you apply, a rent officer will decide upon the rent increase. They cannot increase the rent above what the landlord has asked for.
  • it's less than 21 days since you got a Rent Increase Notice from your landlord
  • you're not in a Rent Pressure Zone - this will be checked when you fill in the form

Temporary changes have been made to the way a Rent Officer will adjudicate on your rent increase. Learn more about rent adjudication.

To complete this form

You'll need to know:

  • your landlord's details
  • details of any other tenants who are joint tenants with you
  • details about the home, such as whether it has double glazing, and whether there are any shared areas

When you submit your form, you should also submit:

  • the Rent Increase Notice you got from your landlord telling you about your rent increase
  • if you're charged for furniture or white goods as part of your rent, a list of what you're charged for
  • your tenancy agreement

RSS home visits

To help decide what your rent should be, RSS might need to send a Rent Officer to inspect your home. You'll need to be in when the Rent Officer visits. You can only change the time of this visit once.

If you're not in when the Rent Officer calls, they will decide what your rent should be without making a visit to your home.

After you submit this form

Once you submit this form, RSS will review it and aim to let you know the new rent amount within 40 days.

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