Renting a property
Information on starting and ending a tenancy with a private landlord, or applying for social housing.
Renting from a housing association or local council
Find information on renting from a registered social landlord.
Renting from a private landlord
Find information on renting from a private landlord.
Home repair help for older or disabled people
Find out about Care and Repair services in Scotland.
If you cannot pay your rent
How to deal with rent arrears if you live in private rented, council or social housing.
If your landlord increases the rent
Information about how and when rent can be increased, and what you can do if you disagree with it.
Private water supplies
Information on how to look after your domestic or commercial private water supply.
Public water and sewerage services
Find out about public water and sewerage services.
Rent or buy a Crown Estate owned property
Find out which of the Crown Estate's property is currently available.
Sharing rented accommodation
Information on how to share a house or flat with other people.
Your home after separation: renting
Your rights and options for dividing the home you rent after you separate from your partner.
Check the register of fair rents for tenancies set up before 1989
Check the registered rent for regulated tenancies that began before 2 January 1989.
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