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Changes you need to report in an Adult Disability Payment review

You can also use a review to tell Social Security Scotland about other changes, such as changes to your name, or your address.

If something changes and you do not tell Social Security Scotland, you may get a payment by mistake. If this happens, you may need to pay the money back.


It’s important that you tell Social Security Scotland about any changes so you continue to get the right payment for your needs.

If you do not tell Social Security Scotland about a change that could affect your award, you may be committing an offence under section 72 of the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018.

Types of change

If you get Adult Disability Payment, you need to tell Social Security Scotland about any changes to your:

  • daily living
  • conditions
  • mobility

You must tell Social Security Scotland if:

  • your condition gets better or worse in the longer term
  • the level of help and care you need changes
  • you move away from Scotland, either temporarily or permanently
  • you go into or come out of a care home or residential care
  • you go into or come out of a residential educational establishment, prison or a detention facility
  • you go into or come out of hospital
  • you go into or come out of a hospice
  • you're awarded another benefit which might affect your entitlement to Adult Disability Payment

You do not need to tell Social Security Scotland if:

  • your condition changes on a day to day basis

Conditions can vary from day to day. If your overall needs remain the same, then you do not need to tell Social Security Scotland.

If your condition gets a lot better or worse, then you'll need to let Social Security Scotland know.

Find out how to tell Social Security Scotland about a change

Changes to your daily living arrangements

You must tell Social Security Scotland if you:

  • move away from Scotland, either temporarily or permanently
  • go into a care home or residential care
  • go into, or come out of, a residential school establishment or a detention facility

How to report a change

To report a change, you can:

If you have any questions

If you're unsure whether you need to tell Social Security Scotland about a change, call free on 0800 182 2222. Opening times are 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Find out what to do if you need help contacting Social Security Scotland, or are calling from abroad.

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