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Youth crime: support

If you're the victim of a crime committed by a person under the age of 16, you should report the incident to the police.

If the child or young person who committed the crime has been referred to the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA), you'll be eligible to get information from its Victim Information Service.

The service provides information and access to support and advice during a case, including:

  • information about children's hearings
  • specific information about what has happened to the child or young person responsible for the offence once they've been referred to the SCRA
  • acting as the first point of contact for the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority and insurance companies

If you're eligible, you'll get a letter from the SCRA inviting you to opt in to the service. If you choose to do so, you'll continue to get information about the progress of the case relating to the offence committed against you.

It's also the role of the SCRA to protect the child or young person's right to confidentiality. This means you'll get information about the investigation and the outcome, but not significant details about the child or young person.

Find out more on the SCRA website.

Or contact SCRA's Victim Information Service by phone:

0131 244 4127 – for Ayrshire, Glasgow, Angus, Dundee, Grampian, North Strathclyde, Fife, Perth and Kinross.

0131 244 5702 – for Forth Valley, Highlands and Islands, Lanarkshire, Lothian, the Scottish Borders.

Find out about call charges

Your rights

As a victim of crime, you have rights. The Victims' Code for Scotland sets out these rights and who to contact for help and advice.

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