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Solve a workplace dispute

Problems with your employer usually fall into one of two categories:

  • grievances – when you raise your concerns, problems or complaints with your employer
  • disciplinaries – when your employer has concerns about your work, conduct or absence

Explain your concern to your manager to see if you can sort out any problems informally. You may find it helpful to suggest what you would like them to do to solve your problem.

Your employer should discuss any disciplinary issues with you informally first. These issues could lead to formal disciplinary action, including dismissal in more serious or repetitive cases.

Visit GOV.UK for information on solving a workplace dispute, including:

  • your right to be accompanied
  • formal procedures
  • appeals
  • mediation, conciliation and arbitration
  • tribunals

Help and advice

Contact ACAS, Citizens Advice or your trade union for help and advice about solving workplace disputes.

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