Overview of short-term let licences
You must obtain a licence before you take bookings or receive guests. If you’re a prospective host, you should factor in processing times when you plan a new short-term let. While licensing authorities will decide as quickly as they can, it can take up to 9 months to process your application.
Operating without a short-term let licence is a criminal offence. You could get a fine of up to £2,500 and be banned from applying for a licence for a year. You cannot offer lets during this period.
If you used your accommodation as a short-term let before 1 October 2022 and you applied for a short-term let licence before 1 October 2023, you can continue offering lets while your application is being processed. Licensing authorities have up to 12 months to determine applications from existing hosts from the date the application is made. This is extended up to 15 months if applications are suspended for planning reasons.
Types of short-term let licence
There are 4 types of licence:
'home sharing' means you rent out all or part of your own home while you’re living there
'home letting' means letting all or part of your own home while you’re not there, for example while you're on holiday. This could also include 'home swapping' which means letting someone use your home in exchange for use of their home or other accommodation - you need a short-term let licence if you swap your home in the course of business
'secondary letting' means letting a property where you do not normally live, for example a second home or holiday let
'home letting and home sharing' means you let out all or part of your own home both while you are living there and also at times when you're not there
Check the type of short-term licence you need
Use our tool to find out what kind of licence you need and how to apply.
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