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Fines for not giving information

A fine can also be called a 'civil penalty'.

Fines for failing to give information to assessors

The assessor can ask you for information to help them value your property. You'll be liable to get a fine if you fail to respond.

Fines for failing to respond in time
Minimum days after information first requested Penalty (share of rateable value) Penalty if property not yet entered on roll
28 1% but not less than £200 £1,000
70 21% but not less than £1,200 £11,000
84 71% but not less than £2,200 £61,000

Fines for failing to give information to the council

Councils may ask for information from an owner, tenant or occupier. You may be liable for a fine of up to £95 if you do not respond within 21 days.

If you do not respond within 21 days the council may ask you a second time for the information. You may be liable for a fine of up to £370 if you do not respond to that within 21 days.

You may be liable for a fine of up to £370 if you do not tell your council about a change of occupier within 42 days of the change.

Appeal a fine

If you think you've been given a fine in error you should first discuss it with the local assessor or council that needed the information. They'll review the fine.

From 1 April 2023, if the fine stands and you still disagree with it, you can appeal it to the Local Taxation Chamber of the Scottish Tribunals.

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