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What will happen with your benefit

You do not need to make a new application for Pension Age Disability Payment if you already get Attendance Allowance. 

You’ll keep getting Attendance Allowance until your Pension Age Disability Payment starts. 

Before the move

When it's time for your benefit to move, DWP will send you a letter. This will tell you:

  • your benefit has started moving to Social Security Scotland
  • when your Attendance Allowance award will end

When your benefit starts moving, Social Security Scotland will send you an introduction letter called ‘Your Attendance Allowance is moving to Social Security Scotland'.

The letter will tell you:

  • what happens during the move
  • when your Pension Age Disability Payment award will start

This letter will go to the address that DWP has. Make sure DWP have the right address for you. If you think DWP have the wrong information for you, contact DWP’s Disability Service Centre.

Your Pension Age Disability Payment award starts the day after your Attendance Allowance award ends.

During the move

When your benefit starts moving, it will take 8 to 12 weeks to complete the move to Pension Age Disability Payment.

During the move, DWP will:

  • continue to manage your Attendance Allowance
  • send Social Security Scotland information about your Attendance Allowance

During the move, Social Security Scotland may need to call or write to you to confirm details like:

  • your address
  • your bank account
  • if you normally live in Scotland

If Social Security Scotland does need to call you, they’ll call from this number: 0800 182 2222.

DWP will carry on paying your Attendance Allowance until Social Security Scotland start paying you Pension Age Disability Payment.

Your Attendance Allowance might be paid one working day later than your Pension Age Disability Payment. If this is the case, we'll let you know in advance so you can make any necessary financial plans.

Learn more about your payments for Pension Age Disability Payment.

After the move

Social Security Scotland will send you another letter when the move is complete. This letter is called ‘Your Attendance Allowance has moved to Social Security Scotland’. This letter will tell you:

  • that your Attendance Allowance has completed the move to Pension Age Disability Payment
  • how much Pension Age Disability Payment you’ll get
  • what date your Attendance Allowance award ends
  • what date your Pension Age Disability Payment starts

If you recently reported a change in your condition or needs to DWP, Social Security Scotland will start to review your award after the move is complete.

Find out how to contact Social Security Scotland if your needs or personal details change after the move.

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