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Pension Age Disability Payment rates of payment are: 

  • lower rate for people who need help or supervision during the day or night
  • higher rate for people who need help or supervision during the day and night

Find out more about the payment rates for Pension Age Disability Payment.

The amount you get will stay the same

You'll keep getting your regular Attendance Allowance payments from DWP until your benefit moves.

There will be no gap in your entitlement.

When your Pension Age Disability Payment starts, you’ll get the same rate that you got for Attendance Allowance.

Your Pension Age Disability Payment might be paid one working day later than your Attendance Allowance. If this is the case, we'll let you know in advance so you can make any necessary financial plans.

If you're in legal detention

You will not be getting paid Attendance Allowance if you're staying in legal detention. However, if you're entitled to it, you'll get paid Pension Age Disability Payment for 28 days after your benefit moves across to Social Security Scotland.

If you're still in legal detention 28 days after your benefit has completed the move, your payments from Social Security Scotland will stop.

If you've reported a terminal illness to DWP

You may be paid more if your benefit starts moving because you’ve reported a terminal illness to DWP. 

Read more about Pension Age Disability Payment if you have a terminal illness.

If you're overpaid

You may be overpaid Pension Age Disability Payment if:

  • your circumstances change and you do not tell Social Security Scotland
  • you or Social Security Scotland make a mistake

If you or the person you’re acting for is paid too much, Social Security Scotland may:

  • take money back from you or them, although it is very uncommon that you would have to pay back an overpayment
  • reduce or stop payments

Social Security Scotland will look at cases of overpayment on an individual basis and will always contact you before stopping payments. Find out more about benefit overpayments.

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