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If you have a terminal illness and are still getting Attendance Allowance

If you already get Attendance Allowance under special rules

You do not need to do anything. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will continue to manage and pay your benefit.

Your benefit will automatically move to Pension Age Disability Payment sometime before December 2025. 

Social Security Scotland will not review your Pension Age Disability Payment, unless you ask them to.

If you're newly diagnosed with a terminal illness before or during the move

You need to tell DWP as soon as you can.

Ask your doctor or healthcare practitioner to send DWP a BASRiS form.

If you do not have a BASRiS form, DWP will still accept any one of the following:

  • SR1 form
  • DS1500 form
  • a letter confirming that you have a terminal illness

If you already have one of these documents, you can send it to DWP yourself. Find out how to contact DWP’s Disability Service Centre.

DWP will review your award under their Special Rules for End of Life. If you’re awarded under DWP’s special rules, you’ll remain with DWP until your benefit moves.

Your benefit will move to Pension Age Disability Payment sometime before December 2025.

If DWP do not award you under special rules

You may still be able to get Pension Age Disability Payment under special rules. This is because the definition of terminal illness in Scotland is different to the rest of the UK. Find out more about what Social Security Scotland means by terminal illness.

If DWP do not award you under their special rules, your benefit will automatically start moving to Pension Age Disability Payment. Your benefit will move to Pension Age Disability Payment as quickly as possible.

Social Security Scotland will then review your award under Scottish Special Rules for Terminal Illness.

If you’re awarded under Scottish rules, Social Security Scotland will start paying you on whichever is the later of the following dates:

  • the date that the Special Rules for terminal Illness regulations started
  • the date you were diagnosed with a terminal illness
  • one year before the decision was made about you receiving Pension Age Disability Payment

This makes sure you get the full award amount that you’re entitled to, from the date you were entitled to it.

You’ll automatically get any additional payments you’re due. You do not need to do anything. Social Security Scotland will send you a letter detailing any additional payments you’re due and how much these will be.

If you've moved to Pension Age Disability Payment and are newly diagnosed with a terminal illness

If you’re newly diagnosed after you get a letter called ‘Your Attendance Allowance has moved to Social Security Scotland’, contact Social Security Scotland to let them know.

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