Find a council site
Some local councils in Scotland run sites for Gypsy/Travellers.
You need to apply for a pitch.
Most sites are full and have a waiting list. Contact the council to check if there’s space.
If a council is not listed, it’s because they do not currently have a Gypsy/Traveller site.
Camping or stopping on other land
If you camp or stop somewhere that is not a council site or private site, this is called unauthorised land.
You have limited rights to stay on unauthorised land. Sometimes the council can negotiate for you to stay while you wait for space at a council site.
Check what happens if you camp or stop on unauthorised land.
Discrimination when you’re trying to find a site
You’re protected from discrimination by the law.
If you experience discrimination, you can:
- dial 999 if you’re in immediate danger
- report a hate crime to the police after it happens
- get advice on Gypsy/Traveller discrimination from the Equality Advisory and Support Service
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