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Importing and exporting forestry goods

Importing and exporting wood and timber products

If you import or export certain wood or timber products to or from the UK, you'll have to follow plant health regulations, restrictions and requirements.

These are in place to make sure each country's natural environment and plant-based industries are protected from any harmful organisms that may be found in wood, including certain types of:

  • insects
  • bacteria
  • fungi

The UK Government has more information and guidance on important and exporting wood and timber products.

There are different rules if you're exporting wood packaging.

There are also rules that apply to buying and selling timber and timber products. These rules require traders to show the timber was harvested legally.

The Timber Trade Federation also provides information and guidance for timber importing and exporting businesses.

Moving goods in and out of Northern Ireland from 1 January 2021

The UK government gives specific guidance on changes to some processes if you're moving goods in and out of Northern Ireland.

Forest Reproductive Materials

Forest reproductive materials (FRM) is the name given to materials used when setting up a forest, including:

  • seeds
  • cones
  • cuttings
  • planting stock

If you're involved in buying or selling FRM you should find out what you need to do to legally market or collect it. This includes how to:

  • register as a supplier
  • get master certificates and licences

The UK Government has more information on FRM.

Importing and exporting plants and plant products

You can find further information from the UK government on the rules for importing and exporting plants and plant products (including trees and timber).

You can also find information on the DEFRA plant health portal.

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