About Child Benefit
You'll usually get Child Benefit for children you're responsible for. Only one person can receive Child Benefit for each child.
Child Benefit for over 16s
Your Child Benefit can carry on after your child reaches 16.
Find out more about how you can get Child Benefit for someone over 16.
Child Benefit tax
You may have to pay a tax charge, known as the 'High Income Child Benefit Charge', if you have an individual income over £50,000.
Find out more about the 'High Income Child Benefit Charge'
Child benefit if a child or parent dies
If you're receiving Child Benefit and your child dies or one or both parents die, this may affect how and if your Child Benefit is paid.
Visit GOV.UK for information on:
- how long you receive Child Benefit after a child dies
- how to report a death
- when to make a new claim
- extra help like Guardian's Allowance or Widowed Parent's Allowance
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