Looking after a child
Includes becoming a child's guardian, children and living apart and arranging for someone you know to look after a child.
Make a Parenting Plan
A guide to making practical arrangements for your children if you live apart or are separating.
Smacking and children
From 7 November 2020 all forms of physical punishment or physical discipline of children is against the law in Scotland.
Becoming a child's guardian
How to become the guardian of a child that isn't your own, including getting a court order and financial support.
Children and living apart
Making arrangements for your children after a divorce or separation, parental rights and child maintenance.
Children's hearings
Find out what a children's hearing is, what happens before and during a hearing, where to get help, and how to complain about a hearing.
Help getting your child back from abroad or arranging contact
Getting help if your child is taken abroad without your consent.
Keeping your child safe
Information on leaving your child on their own, safety at home, car safety and internet safety for children.
Parental responsibilities and rights
Find out about what the law says about your responsibilities and rights whether you're a mother, father, married, living together or in a civil partnership.
Foster care
Find information about what foster care is, who can become a foster carer, how to apply, support for foster carers and information for people in foster care.
Kinship care
Find information about looking after a child of a close family member or a family friend - this is known as kinship care.
Private foster care
Find information about what private foster care is and guidance for parents, private foster carers and children in private foster care.
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