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Report benefit fraud in Scotland
This page tells you how to report fraud for Social Security Scotland benefits.
Find out which benefits Social Security Scotland provides.
For any other benefits, like Universal Credit, visit the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) website.
Your safety is important
You should think about your safety before you make a report.
The information you give in this report will be:
- anonymous
- confidential
However, depending on what you report, the person you report might still be able to identify you. For example, if you’re the only person who knows about the fraud.
Report fraud to Social Security Scotland
Report onlineOther ways you can report
Call free on 0800 158 2071
8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
Social Security Scotland
PO Box 10299
What happens next
Your report will be anonymous. You do not provide any of your own personal details when reporting suspected fraud.
Social Security Scotland will review the information you provide. They cannot tell you the outcome of any investigation due to privacy reasons.
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