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How to appeal a planning decision

You can appeal online, by email or by post.

Information you’ll need to submit

  • your appeal form, including your reasons for appealing
  • your original application, if you made one
  • the authority’s decision notice
  • any documents, materials or evidence that supports your appeal
  • any letters or emails between you and the authority
  • any other information you want to provide that supports your appeal

You can upload these when you appeal online, or attach them to your email or letter.

The authority is the organisation who made the original decision, such as your local council’s planning department or a national park authority.

Notifying the authority about your appeal

In most cases, you must send the authority a copy of the appeal.

You must do this when you submit your appeal to the Planning and Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA).

Appealing online

You can appeal online on the ePlanning website.

Use the website to check which appeal form you need.

Appealing by email or post

You can download an appeal form, fill it in and send it to the DPEA.

Visit to download the appeal form.

If you’re not sure which form you need, contact the DPEA and ask them to send it to you. Check how to contact the DPEA on their website.

Where to send your appeal



Planning and Environmental Appeals Division
Hadrian House
Callendar Business Park

If you need advice before you submit an appeal, get free impartial advice from Planning Aid Scotland.

Costs and expenses

It’s free to appeal.

If you get legal advice from a solicitor, you’re responsible for those costs.

You can submit a claim for expenses if someone has acted unreasonably and cost you money.

The person deciding your appeal will decide your expenses claim separately. If your appeal is successful, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be awarded expenses.

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